About Me

MAGPi FAD is a blogspot for students studying the Moving Image, Advertising, Graphic Design, Photography and illustration specialism on the Leeds College of Art Foundation Diploma in Art & Design. This blog exists to highlight contemporary designers and their practises which are relevant to ongoing studies and topics investigated throughout the course.

Monday 29 October 2012

Nate Williams News Letter

Nate sent me an email!

FW: Made by a human :)

Stuart Harvey 
9:01 PM (13 minutes ago)
to me
Stuart Harvey has forwarded you this email with the following message:

I just received this email and thought you might find it interesting.
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Hello Stuart
Thanks again for signing up for my newsletter. I thought I would just say "hello" and show you some of my newest projects:
Hand Lettering
Kids Illustration
You are receiving this email message because we have worked together or you opted-in on my web site.
Nate Williams
2203 N. 59th Street
Seattle, WA 98103
United States

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